Thursday 13 September 2012

Farmaggeon 2012 Review

NEARLY everyone knows someone who has been to Farmaggedon – but few can justify how truly terrifying the experience is.

If you're a fan of scary movies, countless adrenaline rushes, or just simply want to put a loved one through the scariest night of their lives, then the experience is for you.

During four weeks of the year, Farmer Ted's children's activity park turns into one of the most depraved truly horrifying scenes of blood, guts, gore, frights and spooks in the country.

A cast of over 200, made up of everyone in Sefton and West Lancashire, from drama students to police, solicitors and bankers, turn into zombies, hillbillys, ghouls and goblins to give the general public the fright of their lives.

In 2007 managers at Farmer Ted's, in Downholland, Ormskirk, sat down and decided they needed to use their farm land over the winter and thought of setting up a Halloween extravaganza.

And when one of the busy staff at Farmer Ted's described the hectic kitchen as ‘farmaggedon' – the new attraction had its name.

Some 35 people turned up to the first event, which had eight people in costume, now Farmaggedon has over 100 actors on each night separated into three barns.
The attraction has become so popular Haunted Attractions magazine said it was one of the top 25 most scariest haunts in the world.

Producer Richard Cottier told the Champion: “Getting scared and having the hairs stand up on the back of your neck makes you feel like you're actually in a horror movie.

”But it's not just about scaring people, it's about messing with their senses and making people feel alive.
“It's also a great laugh, there's nothing funnier than watching people jump into the air and it brings out the naughty side in all of us.”

He claims that one of the funniest moments during his five years is watching radio DJ Pete Price jump out of his skin so much that he ended up losing one of his teeth - but the experience is not for everyone.

Richard added: “Every night we get people who can't take it. Some customers who come through the front door, see the clown and become so scared they go straight for the exit and leave!

”Each year we have been going on fact finding trips to America as the Halloween industry over there is huge, it is only second to Christmas.

“We have really been educating the UK about how Halloween should be celebrated now we are getting coach parties from London, Scotland, Brighton to come and see us.

”This year we have got three attractions and we are working with over 100 actors every single night from a cast of around 200.

“The actors aren't just drama schools and students, we also have horror fans and people who just want to scare others like professional actors, police, bank workers and even paramedics.”

Farmaggedon starts on Friday, October 5, and tickets start from £15 and are available online at or via 0844 736 0152 which includes a booking fee.

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