Wednesday 16 February 2011

(James) Cameron's Big Society

The last community created by a Cameron consisted of thousands of 12ft blue creatures in a far away planet preaching about love and the environment.

Fair enough Avatar clawed back $745million, but when Prime Minister David has his turn of creating a 'Big Society' - it won't be so easy.

While they may not be essential life-saving services; youth centres, leisure centres and libraries all play a vital part in building this 'Big Society' and are being butchered by local councils.

You can bet your bottom dollar that the big blue men had places to read, have fun and look after their youngsters.

But the fact still remains, politics can be one of the most boring subjects to read about, people don't know and don't care until it starts to take effect on their own doorsteps.

Numerous newspaper reader surveys highlight the fact that behind motors and sport, the least people like to read about is the goings on in their country.

While I've never really taken much an interest in it until recently, you can't help but be glued to the news of the latest cuts.

Without getting too deep, my view in politics (and religion) is neutral.

Put simply I don't understand how someone can commit themselves to one organisation and deny all of their faults.

Catholics condemn sexual abuse in the church and many Muslims condemn the 'holy' war against the west.

A real test would be to try to find a Labour politician who admits when in power their party borrowed far too much money.

Or for that matter a Lib/Con politician who agrees that the amount of cuts are happening far too fast, far too soon.

Maybe if the country was run by big blue aliens we could all live in peace – watch this outer space.

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