Tuesday 9 August 2011

Mobs ran the streets, the innocent cowered

Three months ago I was stood amidst 'rioters' witnessing London being torn apart by groups of unruly students setting bins on fire.

But watching footage unfold on TV and Twitter of mindless yobs taking control of the streets and terrorising innocent hard working families this week made me sick to my stomach.

Back in April it was clear then, that the crowd was made up of middle class adventurers and self proclaimed anarchists – disillusioned youths sporting dreadlocks.

None of them looked burly, were armed with weapons or even showed much aggression, this was a sit in, a calm semi-controlled display of disorder.

They targeted the banks, tax avoiders and a minor amount of damage was caused as every action has a cause and effect.

Their cause was to let the Government know they won't take massive tuition fee rises just lying down.

The effect, whether you agree with it or not, was that millions of people became aware of a simmering generation determined to stand up for what they believe in.

People riot for a cause, whether it be racial inequalities, freedom of expression or national oppression.

But this was a chaotic display of mindless aggressive disorder – partly down to a lack of education and a poor upbringing with no ambition or real identity.

Last night thousands of families sat in their homes from London to Liverpool, petrified a brick could come through the window at any given moment.

Unruly rioters ransacked shops indiscriminately taking whatever they can carry, they took over our streets, severely outnumbered police and set cars and shops alight.

Some idiot even ended up posing with his stolen goods and putting it on Twitter.

Trillions of pounds are being ploughed into sorting other countries' problems – from £500m aid packages for Pakistan to billions being spent on the Iraq war.

Last night was a harsh but vivid reminder that we should tackle our own issues and police our own streets before we try and police the rest of the world.

Thankfully the massive clean-up operations going on up and down the country show the rioters were a minority.

But next time it happens please wheel out the water cannons.

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