Thursday 19 May 2011

Rooney bites

Twitter is the nail in the coffin for celebrity culture.

I've been meaning to write this blog post about this for a while now but Wayne Rooney issued a 'death threat' to a Liverpool fan yesterday and it sums up my point clearly.

Sure over a few pints on a Friday and Saturday night this thing gets said all the time with the footballer dismissing it as 'just banter'.

And maybe it is.

Or maybe it's testosterone fuelled bile that spills out of adolescents who suffered difficult upbringings and still need to 'look hard' to maintain their self esteem and image.

But Shrek has to remember that he's not a schoolboy in Croxteth any more – he's a multi million pound brand and his reputation and bank balance will continue to plummet until he grows up.

But it's not just Rooney, all sorts of celebrities continue to humiliate themselves on Twitter.

Boxer Paul Smith was receiving abuse off tweeters as were Rooney, Ferdinand and Gary Neville.

Journalist Piers Morgan isn't soft, he knows how to play the celebrities at their own game by poking their egos in the right places.

Neither are a lot of other Twitter users who play the same game and try to make the celebs 'bite' or react to provocative Tweets.

Result: Rooney is all over the news today for issuing a 'death threat'.

But the reason we love celebrities is because we aspire to be them.

Celebs are divine beings who we are so curious to know what goes on behind their private 12ft mansion walls that we invest in gossip magazines and queue up in drogues to get their autographs.

Twitter removes the media, the 12ft walls and lets us realise what they are like on the inside.

Human, like us.

A music consumer study by Bauer Media said industry bosses are even considering restricting stars' tweets as 'knowing too much can kill off rock stars'.

'In this social media age, it's all too easy to follow your musical icons on a minute-by-minute basis,' the Phoenix IV report said.

'There's a consensus within the industry that this ease of access is leading to artists losing appeal more quickly.'

And Celebs who use Twitter are digging their careers an early grave.

Examples of celebs 'biting'

WayneRooney Wayne Rooney

@sam_oldham_LFC I will put u asleep within 10 seconds hope u turn up if u don't gonna tell everyone ur scared u little nit. I'll be waiting

18 May


WayneRooney Wayne Rooney

@WayneRooney I'll put u asleep within 10 seconds u little girl. Don't say stuff and not follow up on it. I'll be waiting

18 May


WayneRooney Wayne Rooney

@sam_oldham_LFC cool bring ur sandwedge girl

18 May


WayneRooney Wayne Rooney

@sam_oldham_LFC haha u know were I train every day kid come and do it good luck.

piersmorgan Piers Morgan

That's what you said to Sir Alex before he paid you £50mill RT @WayneRooney @piersmorgan Stop hanging on to me pls. I don't want to know u.

Piers Morgan

I love it when a dog looks just like its owner RT @WayneRooney My dog George:

piersmorgan Piers Morgan

@rioferdy5 hope your car is more reliable than you are Sicknote...

piersmorgan Piers Morgan

@themichaelowen And Benchwarmer's about to blow again....

piersmorgan Piers Morgan

@themichaelowen At least I'm a tosser who gets to do a day's work every day - rather than sit on a bench watching his colleagues do it all.

PaulSmithJnr Paul Smith Jnr

@hughes1984 I hope nothing bad happens to you either because if that's how you act in boozers you'll be getting sparked left right & centre.

15 May

PaulSmithJnr Paul Smith Jnr

@peterpan103 And I hate faceless names who offer advice from behind a computer screen. You've had 8 lifetime tweets. 7 about me. Lighten up!

14 May

PaulSmithJnr Paul Smith Jnr

@peterpan103 Go back to them chat rooms, nonce.

14 May

PaulSmithJnr Paul Smith Jnr

@hughes1984 Proper bit? How old are you, 12? Is that your life, making people bite on Twitter? Do you do that to lads in boozers? Doubt it!

robbie fowler

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